Buying Decisions

Is this your time?

HomeNOWBuying Decisions


Is NOW the Time for YOU?

We strongly believe only YOU can determine if it’s the right time to buy your first or next home.  Here you will find a few tools to help answer this important question.

If you are currently renting, the REAL first decision is, “Is now the right time for ME to buy a house… Or, should I continue renting?”  You will find a great Buy or Rent calculator to help you decide whether the costs and benefits of home ownership outweigh continued rental.

If this is your “First Time” buying a home … Congrats! Together, let’s make it happen!  But,  you likely have a lot more questions and concerns. Home Forward often works with first time homebuyers to make the American Dream a reality.  Contact us or explore this site for a great start.

To Buy or Not to Buy!

You are thinking it might be time to buy your first home. Or, possibly moving into a new home. EXCITING!  But, you aren’t sure if it is the right decision. Here are a few things to help evaluate this decision.

See how you ready you are.

Take the Quiz

Wondering about mortgages?

The best source is a qualified lender specialist (let us know if you need some references)! But, this mortgage widget can help provide some estimates to prepare.

Mortgage Widget

Is it Better to Rent or Buy?

As always, NOW might be the time for you to buy… or, maybe not.  

It is not ALWAYS cheaper to rent than buy (FOR EXAMPLE). But, there are certainly advantages to buying – or renting.  There are also things you must consider. Visit the RENT or BUY page to discover the major good and bad things about each. You will also find a financial comparison of the 

Rent vs. Buy


For some fun, use this excellent calculator to help evaluate your personal situation. Then come back for more help.

Better to Buy or Rent Calculator

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Do you think you are ready to make the leap? You already know that buying your home is a exciting adventure. Here at Home Forward, we strive to make the process is easy and as comfortable as possible.  So, feel free to: